Est. 1988

Table Top Team Building

Table Top Team Building

From: $1,500.00

Overview: This team challenge offers (12) stations for groups to participate in and earn points or products for the final event. Approximately 10 minutes at each station.

Includes: Sound system & MC, staff at each of the stations, all supplies, cones & flagging, awards to top three teams.

Requirements from Hotel: 2 tables at each station / 12 total / 2 skirted tables for sound

Scoring: Can be in a variety of formats:

  • Earn points, trade for supplies (use in a can sculpture for the food bank type of charity challenge)
  • Score points & cash gets donated to the charity- each points = a $1 donated. We can control the scoring to hit the budget goals.
  • Points for awards

STACK A TOWER: Each team has a bag of tinker toys and they must build a free-standing tower as tall as possible in a minute while trying to balance raw eggs every “6” inches in the tower. 3 points for every inch the tower is tall and 5 points for every egg balanced in the tower.


BACK FLIP: Participants must Catch Pencils on the back of their hand by tossing them up and then trying to catch what they toss in the grasp of the palm of their hand. The team continues from 2 pencils in increments of 2 up to 12 in one minute. 6 different people are stationed but may not complete their station the person prior to them succeeds. If any one person fails, it goes back to the first person in line with 2 sticks.


THE BOTTOM’S UP YO YO CHALLENGE: A group of four will compete to get as many “cans” knocked over in 60 seconds as possible. The Yo Yo will be tied around their waist and hang off the back and the participant must use swaying motions to knock the cans over.


BUCKET BALL: Players have to bounce a ball off a wall and as it comes back catch it in a bucket on their head. In lieu of a wall, a co-team member will hold a tennis racket and bounce the ball back to the person catching. Two pairs per team compete for the best score in “minute to win it”.

PARTICIPANTS: 4 – 2 pairs of 2 working together

EGG ROLL: Using a pizza box a person must fan an egg to the final destination and get it on the mat. Four people per team go at once and see how many eggs out of 12 then can get in one minute.

PARTICIPANTS: 4 per team

KABROOM: Four people per team take turns trying to knock a marshmallow from on top of a paper plate hanging on the end of a banquet table. They stand on the bristles of a broom and release the broom to hit the plate and launch the item. Another team member must try and catch it in the cup until they have as many as possible in the minute.

PARTICIPANTS: 4 – 2 alternate launching & 2 catching

KNOCK IT OFF: One person stands in a hula hoop and must swing a ball of yarn until the length is long enough to knock a can off of a box. They must knock 4 different cans off and every time one gets knocked off a new team member comes in to the program to compete.

PARTICIPANTS: 4 – 1 knock off per person

TOILET PLUNGER DASH: Using a toilet plunger and different size sports balls, the team must try to pluck, or suction up the balls and get them in the bucket as fast as possible.


DOMINO TIP IT: The team must try and set up a domino tipping S-shaped structure within 1-minute covering the area designated on the table. At the end of the minute, they TIP IT and score points or rewards on how many they get placed, tipped and whether it all tips in one time.


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